Do You Have Heel Pain? Get Help Right Now!

Numerous factors, including uncomfortable footwear, connective tissue inflammation, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis, can contribute to heel discomfort, which is a widespread problem. Our Providers can assist if you’re looking for solutions and successful therapy. Call (699) 977-0200 to make an appointment with us.

Plantar Fasciitis:

 When the plantar fascia, a fascia that runs from your heel bone to the tip of your foot, gets irritated, plantar fasciitis is suspected. This fascia becomes irritable and inflamed when it is overstretched or overused. Plantar fasciitis is more common in runners, although it can also occur in those with very high or low arches.Direct heel pain will be felt, and it will typically be more severe after you’ve rested, such as when you first get up in the morning or after spending a lot of time sitting down.

Heel bursitis:

This condition develops when the bursa, a fibrous sac located in the back of the heel, gets inflamed. This may occur as a result of wearing footwear that is not supportive, a landing that is uncomfortable or violent, or both. Back or interior heel discomfort from heel bursitis is common, as is swelling of the Achilles tendon.

Heel Bumps and Sever’s Disease:

Sever’s disease, which develops when the growth plates of the heel bone endure repetitive overuse or microtrauma, may be the cause of heel pain in children aged 7 to 15 years. Heel bumps are another problem that affects teenagers and is brought on by the immature heel bone rubbing against specific surfaces, which causes excessive bone development. Children who wear high heels or those who have flat feet.

Other Potential Causes:

There are numerous other potential causes of heel pain, making a visit to a specialist essential for an appropriate diagnosis and course of action. Less frequent reasons include stress fractures, arthritis, bone bruising or cysts, tarsal tunnel syndrome (nerve entrapment in the rear of the foot), chronic inflammation of the heel pad, and Achilles tendinosis . Heel discomfort can also be caused by specific medical disorders like diabetes, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis.

When to Seek specialist, podiatrist Care:

 In the majority of situations, symptoms progressively get worse over time. But getting help quickly can reduce complications and hasten the healing process. Your symptoms and foot anatomy will be evaluated by our skilled podiatrists in order to create a custom treatment plan. Modified activities, medication, physical therapy, bracing, orthotics, steroid injections, shockwave therapy and other measures may be necessary.

Visit our conveniently located office to start your journey to heel pain relief. Call us  to make an appointment for a consultation.

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